Now in Kazakhstan to enter higher educational institutions (HEIs) or technical organizations is possible on a competitive basis by the results of SNT or complex testing for entrants. The students of collegues will pass a test on the basis of knowledge received in collegues.
Complex testing is held for:
graduates of general secondary education of last year;
graduates of technical and professional educational organizations;
graduates of general academic schools, who was studying by international exchange of schoolchildren;
graduates of republican music boarding;
persons who graduated abroad.
By the results of complex testing entrants may enter HEIs, if they could not do it with SNT results and also continue education in colleges after finishing 9 classes at school. For those who by the results of SNT could not enter HEIs in current year may pass complex testing only next year.
Preparation for complex testing
Complex testing is carried out on the basis of HEIs where there are special state commissions. They conduct all organizational and public awareness work.
For realization of control at complex testing representatives of Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan are sent to higher educational institutions.
In corpuses where testing is conducted all audience, cabinets and other premises used for testing as well as entrance doors except those which are used for entrance and exit of enrollees are closed and sealed.
Complex testing consists of 60 questions, 20 of them — for general specialized descipline (tasks aimed at identification of academic knowledge on basic discipline) and 40 for major field of study (tasks on checking of deep academic knowledge and practical skills).
Testing time — 100 minutes.
Passing score — 35. Maximum score — 70.
Acceptance of applications for participation in complex testing is conducted by acceptance commissions of higher educational institutions from June 20 to July 9.
Complex testing is conducted since July 17-23.
Entrants passes documents personally. Documents from other persons are not accepted. For participation in complex testing enrollee submits following documents to the acceptance commission of higher educational institution:
- application on the form of established sample;
- certificate on finishing of general secondary education or diploma on finishing of technical and professional education;
- receipt on payment for testing (through the branches JSC “Kazpochta” or JSC “National bank” of RK);
- 2 photo in size of 3x4;
- medical reference by the form 086-У;
- copy of identity document
Order of complex testing conduction
Enrollees enter the audience one by one. Person on duty carries out identification of personality of the enrollee on the basis of identity document, pass and pass stub. Enrollee takes a seat, strictly corresponding the number in sitting sheet, confirming that he/she sat on his/her seat.
Enrollee in some exceptional cases (for example, injury, family circumstances, the language of passage was indicated mistakenly during submission of application) submits an application with the request to postpone the date of passing a test or change of language status of audience. Application is submitted in the name of state commission chairman. Application is attached with approval documents. Decision on changing is made by the protocol of state commission.
Upon positive decision of the question chairman determines the number of audience, where this enrollee will pass a test, in strict correspondence with the test language. Commission chairman makes appropriate changes in the pass sheet of enrollee.
Rules of behavior during complex testing
It should be noted that during testing everybody must maintain strict discipline.
While conduction of complex testing it’s not permitted:
to change a seat;
change exam materials;
use textbooks, other methodical literature, mobile tools.
In case of violation of rules representative of authorized body makes an act on forbidden subjects and removal of candidate and makes a decision about cancellation of testing results. In case of refuse to pass exam materials for processing upon finish of complex testing, representative of authorized body makes an act. Therewith the results of exam material are not processed.